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Hephaestus, God of fire and forge.

He also was the God of blacksmiths, craftsmen, artisans, sculptors, metals and metallurgy. Unlike the other Gods, he was quite ugly, disabled and lame. Because of that, he walked with the aid of a stick.
Hephaestus was son of Zeus and Hera, or, according to some versions, only of Hera. She fathered him by herself, jealous because Zeus had given birth to Athena, who had springed from his head.
But mortified to have brought forth such grotesque offspring, Hera promptly threw him from Mount Olympus. He fell many days and nights and landed in the ocean, where he was brought up by the Oceanids Thetis (mother of Achilles) and Eurynome.

After making the houses, furniture and gold thrones to Zeus and the other Gods, Hephaestus gained revenge against Hera for rejecting him by making her a magical golden throne which, when she sat on it, did not allow her to leave it. The other gods begged Hephaestus to return to Olympus to let her go but he repeatedly refused. Dionysus got him drunk and took him back to Olympus.
Hephaestus released Hera after being given Aphrodite, the Goddess of love, as his wife. Like that, they had an arranged marriage and Aphrodite, disliking the idea of being married to unsightly Hephaestus, began an affair with Ares, the God of war.

In addition, it is attributed to Hephaestus the creation of the first woman, Pandora, who was an order of Zeus to give to Epimetheus, brother of Prometheus. Pandora brought the evils to the world when she opened the famous box of Epimetheus.

His equivalent in the Roman mythology is Vulcanus.


Hefesto, Dios del fuego y la forja.

Era tambiรฉn Dios de los herreros, los artesanos, los escultores, los metales y la metalurgia. Al contrario que los demรกs Dioses, era bastante feo, lisiado y cojo. Tanto es asรญ, que caminaba con la ayuda de un palo.
Hefesto era hijo de Zeus y Hera, o, segรบn algunas versiones, sรณlo de Hera. ร‰sta lo engendrรณ sola, celosa porque Zeus habรญa dado a luz a Atenea, que habรญa brotado de su cabeza.
Pero mortificada por haber parido tan grotesca descendencia, Hera no tardรณ en arrojarlo del Olimpo. Hefesto cayรณ durante varios dรญas y noches hasta el mar, donde dos Diosas del mar, la nereida Tetis (madre de Aquiles) y la oceรกnide Eurรญnome, lo recogieron y lo cuidaron en la isla de Lemnos, donde creciรณ hasta convertirse en un maestro artesano.

Tras haber fabricado las casas, muebles y tronos de oro para Zeus y los otros Dioses, Hefesto se vengรณ elaborando uno mรกgico de diamante que enviรณ como regalo a Hera. Cuando รฉsta se sentรณ en รฉl, quedรณ atrapada, incapaz de levantarse. Los demรกs Dioses rogaron a Hefesto que volviese al Olimpo y la liberase, pero รฉl se negรณ, enfadado aรบn por haber sido expulsado. Intervino entonces Dioniso, quien emborrachรณ a Hefesto y lo llevรณ de vuelta al Olimpo.
Hefesto, contrariado por la treta y dueรฑo de la situaciรณn, impuso severas condiciones para liberar a Hera, una de las cuales fue contraer matrimonio con Afrodita.
Contentรญsimo de haberse casado con la Diosa de la belleza, forjรณ para ella hermosa joyerรญa, incluyendo un cinturรณn que la hacรญa incluso mรกs irresistible para los hombres.
Sin embargo, Afrodita se entregaba en secreto a Ares, el Dios de la guerra.

A Hefesto se le atribuye, ademรกs, la creaciรณn de la primera mujer, Pandora, que en realidad era un encargo de Zeus para entregar al hermano de Prometeo, Epimeteo. Pandora trajo los males al mundo al abrir la famosa caja que รฉste poseรญa.

Su equivalente en la mitologรญa romana es Vulcano.
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ยฉ 2008 - 2024 obscureBT
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The mother of Achilles is a *nereid*, the oceanid is Tethys